Типы агентов:

agtd Agent for RAID
agte Agent for RAID Map
agtt Agent for Platform (Windows)
agtu Agent for Platform (UNIX)
agtw Agent for SAN Switch
agtn Agent for NAS
agto Agent for Oracle
agtq Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
agtz Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
agtr Agent for DB2

посмотреть, какие command device доступны

[ myserver @ /opt ] # /opt/jp1pc/tools/jpctdlistraid
KAVF18700-I The detection of the monitorable storage system has begun.
"USP" ,"12345" ,"1C:03" ,"0" ,"CL5-A","/dev/rdsk/c7t60060E80099999000000EB9900001C03d0s2"
"USP" ,"12345" ,"1D:03" ,"0" ,"CL7-A","/dev/rdsk/c7t60060E80099999000000EB9900001D03d0s2"
"USP" ,"12345" ,"1E:03" ,"0" ,"CL4-C","/dev/rdsk/c7t60060E80099999000000EB9900001E03d0s2"
"USP" ,"23456" ,"1B:03" ,"0" ,"CL1-A","/dev/rdsk/c7t60060E80077777000000777700001B03d0s2"
"USP" ,"23456" ,"1D:03" ,"0" ,"CL6-A","/dev/rdsk/c7t60060E80077777000000777700001D03d0s2"
"USP V" ,"34567" ,"00:07:FF","0" ,"CL1-A","/dev/rdsk/c7t60060E801555550000015555000007FFd0s2"
KAVF18701-I The detection of the monitorable storage system has ended.

Добавить новый инстанс агента:
# /opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcinssetup agtd -inst USPV34567
Storage Model (1:Thunder/AMS or 2:Lightning/USP/USP V/VSP) : 2
Command Device File Name [/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2] : /dev/rdsk/c7t60060E801555550000015555000007FFd0s2
Unassigned Open Volume Monitoring (Y/N) [N] :
Mainframe Volume Monitoring (Y/N) [N] :
Store Version [2.0] :
KAVE05080-I The instance environment is now being created. (servicekey=RAID, inst=USPV34567)
KAVE05081-I The instance environment has been created. (servicekey=RAID, inst=USPV34567)

Список инстансов:
# /opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcinslist agtd

Остановить агенты HTnM
/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcstop agte
/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcstop agtd

Стартовать агентов
/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcstart agte
/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcstart agtd

Состояние агентов
# /opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcctrl list '*' host=myserver
Host Name ServiceID Service Name PID Port Status
--------- --------- ------------- -------- -------- --------
myserver PH1myserver Action Handler 22943 48727 Active
myserver DS1AMS2100[myserver] Agent Store 11890 36714 Active
myserver DA1AMS2100[myserver] Agent Collector 11894 36716 Active
myserver DS1USP12345[myserver] Agent Store 11877 36694 Active
myserver DA1USP12345[myserver] Agent Collector 11880 36696 Active
myserver DS1USP23456[myserver] Agent Store 11864 36674 Active
myserver DA1USP23456[myserver] Agent Collector 11865 36676 Active
myserver DS1USPV34567[myserver] Agent Store 11900 36731 Active
myserver DA1USPV34567[myserver] Agent Collector 11919 36733 Active
myserver ES1myserver Agent Store 11951 36817 Active
myserver EA1myserver Agent Collector 11952 36820 Busy
myserver US1myserver Agent Store 27175 48798 Active
myserver UA1myserver Agent Collector 27440 48802 Active
KAVE06003-I List processing of the service information terminated normally.

Обсуждение закрыто.